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    Natieco offers a consultancy service in regulatory affairs in the field of cosmetics and food supplements.
    The sector Regulatory affairs was created with the aim of offering a service aimed at protecting public health, overseeing the safety and effectiveness of the products we produce. Over the years, our team has developed the skills necessary for the marketing of cosmetic and notification products for food supplements. From the preparation of graphic texts, PIF cosmetics and dossiers in line with current legislation on the subject, and tests for safety assessment.
    Our work also consists in mediation and interface with ministerial bodies.
    In an extremely changeable and constantly updated environment, such as the regulatory environment for the cosmetics and food industry, the expertise of our experts working in the Regulatory Affairs sector is of great importance. Through updating channels with trade associations and periodic training courses, we try to give our best.

    Some of our services in Regulatory Affairs::

    useful answers
    What is a PIF?

    It stands for Product Information File, or the technical dossier of the product that also includes the Safety Assessment of the Cosmetic Product.It must necessarily be drawn up before the placing on the market of each cosmetic product as established by Article 11 of Regulation (EC) 1223/2009.

    Can I sell cosmetics in Europe too?

    The CPNP (Cosmetic Product Notification Portal) is the European portal for the notification of cosmetic products that allows you to transmit all the required information about the product directly by the responsible person or those appointed by you. The CPNP portal is common to all member states of the European Union and therefore contains the notification of all cosmetic products in free circulation in the European market.

    Who is the person responsible for COSMETICS?

    The Responsible Person is a natural or legal person established within the European Union, responsible for the placing on the EU market of a cosmetic product or who has been designated as such. As established by Art.13 of Reg. EU 1223/2009, before placing a cosmetic product on the European market, the responsible person must transmit to the European Commission a series of information in electronic format.

    Is the expiry date in cosmetics mandatory?

    For products with a minimum shelf life of more than 30 months, an expiry date need not be indicated on the label, but an indication must be given of the period of time during which the product, once the container has been opened, can be used without harmful effects to the consumer, the PAO, depicted with the symbol of a jar indicating the number of months after opening.

    A food supplement must be notified?

    The placing on the market of a food is subject to electronic notification by a food business operator (OAS) to the Ministry, assessing compliance with current legislation in order to ensure product safety and correct information to consumers.
